Educational Experience
Asha Williams attended Western Michigan University as an undergraduate and earned a B.S. in Education with an Elementary Group Minor (Math, Science and Integrated Creative Arts). As she progressed in her teaching career and developed a passion for teaching reading, she completed her graduate program at Eastern Michigan University and obtained a M.A. in Literature and Language Arts. She remains current on best practices in literacy instruction through both traditional and transformative forms of professional development and educational research.
Professional Background & Experience
Asha began her career in Waterford School District as 2nd grade teacher for the first five years of her career and later moved to Wayne County. She eventually became a Reading Intervention Specialist. Altogether, she’s worked diligently as an (K-8) educator for 18 years, with a concentration in ELA instruction. She later became a Literacy Coaching Consultant and worked in various school districts across Wayne County to support implementation of the Early Literacy Initiative in relation to Michigan’s Top Ten in Ten strategic education plan.
Through these initiatives she received specialized knowledge and training in the Essential Instructional Practices in Literacy, School-Wide and Center-Wide Practices in Literacy, and Essential Coaching Practices. She gained the opportunity to demonstrate her expertise and strong leadership abilities in the statewide ISD Early Literacy Coaching Collaborative by becoming a credentialed facilitator for “MAISA’s Intensive Coaching Institute.”
In her role at Oakland Schools, she works with districts to support implementation of their literacy coaching model by supporting school districts, their literacy coaches and teachers around the Read by Grade 3 Law and the Essential Instructional practices in Elementary Literacy.
Something a little personal
Asha is married to Reginald Williams and they have two children – Trey and Zoe. Asha serves alongside her husband in their local community church as youth pastors, and they spend time hosting events with youth and their families such as Young Life camp, youth retreats, choir concerts, sporting events and after-school club meetings in the local high school. In her spare “quiet” time she loves to read and write in her journal and listen to inspirational music. Altogether, she takes pride in spending quality time with family and friends and living a well-balanced life.